Tons of School-Based Counseling Games, Worksheets, and Activities!!!

Welcome to the Counseling Resources page! Resources include tons of GAMES, WORKSHEETS, LESSONS, SOCIAL STORIES, and MORE to help you with supporting your counseling clients and students.

Individual Games and Activities all under $6, but BUNDLES and Curriculums give you

MORE for your $$$!!!

Just Click on any picture to link to purchase!!!

If the picture is not linked, please click HERE to find it in the Counseling Fanny Pack of Fun Store in Teachers Pay Teachers!



If you’ve read some of my other articles on the tools that I use for small group and individual counseling, you are probably well aware that I use mostly videos, games, and social stories to address Anger. I find these activities the most engaging for students, particularly male students. However, other tools, such as calming tools, worksheets, and arts and crafts activities can also facilitate learning through engagement and facilitate discussions in your counseling sessions.

In my experience, the key to progress with Anger Management is providing a variety of activities, as this keeps kids engaged and wanting to come back to the counseling office each session.

Here are some of the tools and activities that I have available in my TpT store to address Anger management!

Just Click on the Pics to Learn More or Purchase!


As a School Psychologist, 70%…I mean 90% of my counseling case load is students with BEHAVIORS!!! If you are a school counselor or psychologist, I’m guessing that your numbers are high as well. Sure, I have coping skills, social skills, and self-esteem counseling groups. But, the students that take up most of my time and that require a variety of “tools” are always the ones with behaviors. These include students with poor emotional regulation, impulse control, anger management, and aggression.

Here are some of the tools, games, and behavior chart systems that I use and are available in the Counseling Fanny Pack Store!

Just Click on the Pictures!



If you are providing counseling to kids like I am, then teaching Coping Skills is likely your bread and butter. Coping skills help kids understand how to face tough situations, understand and manage their emotions, and work toward regulating stress in their minds and bodies.

From kids with poor anger management to children with anxiety in the classroom, helping children learn the skills for understanding and coping with their emotions can be taught with a variety of tools.

Here are some of the different activities that can help you provide fun, engaging, and informational instruction to your students during their COPING SKILLS focused counseling sessions.

Just Click on the Pics to LEARN MORE!


Curriculums and Bundles will save you TIME and MONEY by combing lots of products in an organized way. You definitely get more for your $$$!

Just Click on the CURRICULMS and Bundle Pics below that look helpful!



These two Social and Emotional Learning Activity Books have tons of Games, Activities, Social Stories, and Video Links for any teacher or counselor looking to make their life easier with providing SEL and reducing behaviors in their classroom.

I also have the Summit SEL Membership program for Entire Schools to provide a more comprehensive SEL program, including tons of Tier 2 and 3 Counseling Materials from my Store!!! Click HERE to Learn More!


Conflict Resolution is an important SOCIAL SKILL. These activities target learning the specific skill of CONFLICT RESOLUTION:


When students have poor emotional regulation or anger management, there are actually several areas of social and emotional skills that you can teach them in order to help. As a School Psychologist, I work almost daily with students that have emotional, social, and behavioral issues at school related to their difficulty controlling their emotions. From hitting and biting peers on the playground, to screaming tantrums under their desks, I’ve seen it all.

Here are some of the activities that you can use with your students with poor Emotional Regulation.

Social Skills and EMPATHY

Empathy is another Social Skill that takes time to teacher and build in students. Here are some activities that you can use to support your students in the area of Empathy.

Empathy Pizza Game



Providing Mindfulness coloring activities for students that are developmentally appropriate, gender neutral, or motivational were my goals with creating these products. They can help students with poor self-regulation, coping skills, or low self-esteem.


Help Students Build Self-esteem, learn to change negative thinking to positive thinking and gain a GROWTH MINDSET with these activities.


It’s tough to support students with social and emotional learning when they don’t yet know you, trust you, or think that you are an awesome therapist. Kids with emotional difficulties can be especially tough nuts to crack. Building rapport is the key to getting your students to like you, trust you, and want to work with you. Asking children about themselves helps them to see that you are interested in them and care about their lives. That is part of building trust and rapport.

Here are some fun games that you can use to help you build rapport.


Are you looking for some activities to address behavior and social skills for your child, student, or entire class?

Whether you are a parent, teacher, or counselor, you likely want to support your child or students with activities to address any gaps in social skills or behavior through engaging activities that will actually work. Just telling kids to “respect your teacher” is really not going to be enough for many kids. Children with behavioral concerns that include defiance, aggression, and poor social skills particularly will benefit from learning about giving others respect (for teachers & peers) and manners. They need instruction and practice, however, in order to know what to do.

Here are some activities and a BUNDLE for helping kids learn Manners and RESPECT!


Self-Esteem is so important for children, of course. As a School Psychologist, I have learned that low Self-Esteem is often the root behind many behavioral issues in the class, poor anger control, and negative peer interactions. It is also often the consequence of students having difficulty controlling their behaviors, having negative peer interactions, and difficulties learning. Think of the classic Chicken and Egg question.

Here are some activities that I use for students with low self-esteem in their counseling sessions.


Social Skills includes a lot of areas of counseling, such as making friends, playing with others, conflict resolution, communicating with others, teamwork and collaboration, and using empathy.

Here are some of the activities that you can do with your students to help them learn SOCIAL SKILLS:


The goal of this social story to share information in a way that makes sense to children in order to help them understand their own experiences. Stories are often is in first person, which encourages the development of empathy and understanding of how their behaviors make others (teacher included) feel.

Social stories can be for students who have specific issues or concerns, but some may also work for the whole class. Some stories that are available in my TpT store address SEL areas, such as controlling anger, personal space, making friends, and sharing. They are all coloring books, so they can be a fun and easy activity that can be personalized for each individual student that is struggling in a specific area of social skills or behavior.

Other Products From the


Help your students and clients build anger management skills with the included lessons, worksheets, videos list, calming tool, and game.

Lessons include discussion of what anger feels like, identifying triggers, and how to use calming strategies. The videos list can help teach and facilitate discussions about your student’s experiences with losing emotional control due to feelings of anger.

The “Calming Helper Tool” can be used in the classroom as a tool that your student can have at his or her desk when experiencing elevated emotions, such as frustration. The “Self Regulation Game” can be played multiple times in order to help build and practice calming strategies.

Sample Pages from Activity Book shown below:

The Self-Regulation Game for Counseling Elementary Students with Poor Anger Management, Emotional Regulation, and Coping Skills

This easy to use counseling game is fun for boys or girls working on Anger Management in the classroom and playground. Print out the game and just cut out the game cards. All you need is a 1 die and 1-3 game pieces.

When they land on a blue race car, have them pick from the Blue cards to read a stressful situation where someone may lose self-control, and then answer what they would do to stay calm or solve the problem.

When they land on a Red car, have them read and/or practice a strategy for self regulation.

The Emotional Regulation Game

“Wheel of Anger Management” Counseling Game for Elementary Students

Work on Anger Management skills and facilitate discussion of anger related behaviors with this easy to use game. Play with 1-4 students in the office. Here are the directions, which are on the 2nd slide of the game: Each student playing picks a color from the color wheel. On the next slide they answer question that matches their color.

Each Answer (even with counselor support) earns A point. Some colors will result in a “skip”, where the student cannot earn their point. When this happens, have the student take 3 deep breaths or show another type of calming breathing (Figure 8, square breathing, etc.) for every skip.

The student with the most points at the end wins…but only if they show good sportsmanship with a “good game”

ANGER MANAGEMENT CARD GAME; Telehealth/ In-office LAPTOP game Grades 3- 12

Make counseling fun and engage students in thinking about their anger. Work on coping skills and ANGER MANAGEMENT skills by playing this game during distance learning or in your office without having to use an actual deck of cards…they are already drawn as part of the game on each slide.

Use with teletherapy (via Zoom share screen) as a fun activity that you can play with your students to facilitate discussion of anger and have your student practice some coping skills.

Can be used with your computer in-office as well!!!

Anger Management Therapy Lessons with Worksheets

Teach your students about the affects of anger in their bodies and learning about their anger-triggers. Help improve anger management with these 2 lessons and corresponding worksheets.

Anger Triggers Worksheet for Anger Management Therapy

Have your students identify their “Anger Triggers” in order from least to greatest with this fun worksheet!

Anger Thermometer Activity

This Anger Thermometer tool is for students to use as a communication tool that they are experiencing elevated levels of frustration or emotion. Includes link to really good YouTube video on understanding the size of emotions and strategies to use when feeling elevated emotions.

Thermometer has levels with descriptive words and pictures to help students identify their own emotions and self-regulation. I use this with many of my clients that have difficulty with self-regulation and anger management.

Here is the video link that is on the tool to show your student before explaining their classroom tool.

Anger Management Bundle: 2 Games, 1 Anger Thermometer, & 1 Art activity

Use these games, Anger Thermometer, and Arts and crafts activity to work on Anger Management with your students or clients. Games are in Power Point form and can be played using the Zoom share screen, or on your laptop for in-person therapy.

ANGER MANAGEMENT COLOR WHEEL GAME for In-office or Telehealth Counseling, Elementary/MS

Work on Anger Management skills and facilitate discussion of anger related behaviors with this easy to use game. Play with 1-4 students in the office, or over Zoom during TELETHERAPY. Here are the directions, which are on the 2nd slide of the game:

Each student playing picks a color from the color wheel. On the next slide they answer question that matches their color. Each Answer (even with counselor support) earns A point.

But, be careful, some colors will result in a “skip”, where the student cannot earn their point!!! Have the student take 3 deep breaths or show another type of calming breathing (Figure 8, square breathing, etc.) for every skip. The student with the most points at the end wins…but only if they show good sportsmanship with a “good game”!!!


TELETHERAPY or In-person CBT Game: Connecting Emotions and Behavior

Here is a video on how to play this game:

Play this fun game with your students during your zoom or in-person counseling session using your laptop to help them to work on thinking about how their emotions influence their behavior.

There are 12 scenarios about students who have a sticky situation or unexpected event happen. Each slide has questions on them to help facilitate discussion about what that student might be thinking and what positive thought would help them make a better choice. You can use this game in the office or via teletherapy (share screen with zoom).

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Worksheet – How thoughts affect emotions/behavior

Work on teaching students how their negative thoughts can negatively affect their emotions and behavior. Use the examples to help guide them in thinking about how their own thoughts may have resulted in a negative behavior in the past, and then what positive thoughts they could have in order to produce more positive feelings and behaviors in their situations.

Appropriate vs. Inappropriate Behaviors Ball or Card Deck (Teletherapy) Game

Fun and engaging game for students with minor behavioral issues. Use in the office, outside, or over teletherapy (use your own card deck for teletherapy). For the Beach Ball game, you need your own beach ball and a sharpie. Draw three lines across and 6 lines down. Then number the spaces 1-26. Or, use a deck of cards to play the same game with students grades 5-12 with behavioral issues. Topics and questions include: Respect, school and personal property, personal space, making inappropriate noises, etc. Keep students engaged in their counseling session with this fun game.

BUNDLES on Teachers Pay Teachers: Counseling Fanny Pack of Fun

Counseling Games: Rapport Building, Pos. Thinking, Soc. Skills, & Anger Management

COUNSELING with a Deck of Card Games: Rapport, Social Skills, Anger Management

Coping Skills

8+ Weeks- Coping Skills Counseling Group / Individual: Worksheets, Games, & more

Use this 8-week counseling course that is fun and engaging for grades 1-8 to teacher students about coping skills through a variety of activities and mediums. This is for counselors that enjoy play therapy, and that are comfortable using videos, games, coloring, and manipulatives (playdough-parent or counselor provides) to help students learn important social and emotional skills. The focus of the 8-week Course is coping skills. Topics include learning about coping skills, replacing negative thinking patterns, and mindfulness.

Emotional Regulation

5 Worksheets & 6 Videos for THINKING ABOUT THE SIZE of the PROBLEM; Grades 1-8

Counseling Lesson & 3 Worksheets on Emotions, Triggers, and Behavioral Responses

Use these 3 worksheets activities to help students, grades 2-7, who are working on learning about their emotions, triggers for various emotions, and behavioral responses within your school based counseling session. Help students make progress in the area of Social Emotional Learning.

Worksheets will work with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy types of counseling. The first worksheet has a link to a Rocket Kids video about identifying your emotions that applies to worksheet #1. Worksheets will have students think about their emotional triggers and ways to calm themselves if angry (Emotional Regulation).


6-8 Weeks of Counseling on Empathy: Lessons, Games, and Worksheets (Grades 2-8)

Help your students understand the concept of Empathy when working on social skills and/or behavioral issues. This packet includes lesson worksheets, 3 activity worksheets, a list of YouTube Videos that I use for my own counseling students, and 2 games. Pair any of the videos that you like with a worksheet or just have a video/discussion day. All activities should fit within a 30 minute counseling sessions and should help you to engage your students in learning about and building Empathy!

Empathy Coloring Activity Worksheet

Use with your students to support lessons on Empathy. Color the shoe, as Empathy can be described as “walking in someone else’s shoes” and have students write down their responses to the questions to help facilitate discussion about Empathy during your counseling session.


Empathy Counseling Game for group or individual therapy (Grades 2-8)

Help your students learn and practice thinking about how other people feel. This can help them to build Empathy for others when interacting socially at school and home.

•Directions: Cut up the scenarios on the next page and place in a box or hat. Have the students take turns picking their scenario. Then have them answer the question below to facilitate discussion.

1)What was the emotion that the underlined person felt?

2)What was the triggering event and then positive or negative thought that may have led to that emotion?

3)If it was a negative thought, change the negative thought to a positive one that may have improved the person’s emotion and/or behavior?

Growth Mindset

6-8 Week Counseling for working on Growth Mindset and Study Skills

Work with your counseling students or with a classroom on Growth Mindset, Positive Thinking, and learning study skills. Products included are mostly for grades 3-8. The bundle includes 2 presentation style Power Points (Positive thinking and Study Skills). Both presentations have interactive activities as part of them in order to keep students more engaged.

There are also two games that can be played using your share screen or laptop for in-person therapy (The rapport building game and the Positive Thinking game). There are 3 paper activities, but only one coloring one is needed to be printed… however, the student can draw their own “I can’t monster” if they are not able to print one. The other ones can be shared using your share screen and can facilitate discussion on changing negative thoughts to positive thoughts.

Positive Thinking Practice 2 Worksheets, for Grades 3- 12

This worksheet is helpful for therapy focused on teaching students to change their negative thinking patterns to positive ones. One example is given and then 5 other scenarios with “negative thoughts” to change into positive thoughts. The follow up worksheet has students indicate 4 of their own experiences with negative thoughts and then write a replacement positive thought.

Positive Thinking Power Point Presentation for Middle School-age Students

Made for Middle Schoolers. Teach your students about positive thinking through this ready-made presentation. There is a BINGO game that goes along with it to help maintain engagement and attention.

Counseling: Positive Thinking BINGO, goes with Positive Thinking PP Presentation

This product goes with the Positive Thinking Power Point Presentation. Have students write in the words below before beginning your session. As you go through the presentation on Positive Thinking, they can cross off the words as they learn. Helps maintain attention and engage students. Works well as a whole class activity.


10 Kids/Teens Mindfulness Coloring, Star Wars, Pokémon, Skateboarding, etc.

Self-made mindfulness pictures with themes that kids can enjoy and are not too overly complicated in details. Themes include skateboarding, Sailing, Beach, “Square Breathing”, and Pokémon.

Hopefully your students will find them more fun than coloring flowers or random designs that they do not relate to. Higher interest pics will increase participation in Mindfulness instructions. Look up the “Square Breathing” video on YouTube to go with that picture for your counseling session.

Pokémon Mindfulness Coloring Picture

Rapport Building


Counseling Intake Questionnaire

Counseling Intake Questionnaire


RESPECT Lessons: 4 Worksheets, 7 SEL Videos about RESPECT; Grades 1-8

Videos and Worksheets are great for whole class Tier 1 SEL, but can also be used for Tiers 2 or 3 Counseling for grades 1-8. Materials can be used for Individual and Small Group Counseling, particularly for students with behaviors in the classroom or as part of a social skills group.

Videos will help facilitate discussions and worksheets will help students to think about their own behaviors and work on improving giving others Respect to help make friends and to reduce behavioral issues at school.

Help reinforce teaching students about showing others respect. Great game for students with some behavioral issues or deficits in social skills. This game is fun, easy to play, and should take anywhere from 15-30 minutes, depending on how many students are playing.

Click HERE to check out my full video on this game and how to play on my YouTube Channel!


SELF-CARE COUNSELING GAME (Laptop or color print): The Wheel of Self-Care Strategies!!!


Digital Game for In-Office or Telehealth Therapy: The Self-Esteem Card Game

This easy-to-use-game will help your client work on building self-esteem during distance learning, as it can be used with your laptop or computer. Click Next to “Pull” a card from the digital deck and then read the question or prompt on the next slide. This interactive game helps facilitate discussion and practice skills that focus on students working on building their self-esteem, thinking about what they are good at, and building resiliency and positive thinking.

Example slides:

Think of something you are great at and repeat this statement 5 times:

I am awesome at ____________!

Why do you think having good self-esteem is important for success in school and in life in general?

Self-Esteem Weekly Journal

This Weekly Journal is easy to use as a Counseling “Homework” exercise for students that you are supporting with improving Self-Esteem.


6 – 8 Weeks of SELF-REGULATION Activities: Worksheets, Game, and Social Story

This 6- 8 Week Activity book to focus on building Self-Regulation skills includes a page on comparing good and poor self-regulation, coloring worksheets, matching worksheet, a page of listed videos for sharing with your students, a game, and a social story with “think about it” reflection questions. Activities are engaging, fun, and provide great opportunities for teaching and discussions on how your students are regulating their emotions and behavior at school.

Self-Regulation Social Story and 2 Activity Worksheets

This story about a student’s “Bad Day” can be used to facilitate discussion about self-regulation. There are 2 follow-up worksheet with questions about the story and also questions to help your student think about their own behaviors.

Sleep Difficulties

Sleep Presentation for Elementary through High School Students

Teach students in a small group or whole class about the basics of sleep, benefits of getting sleep, the sleep cycle, and how to improve difficulties with getting sleep. There is a BINGO game that goes along with this presentation also to help improve attention and participation.

Social Skills


4 – 6 Weeks of Social Skills Group or Individual Therapy, Elementary Students

This packet includes lessons on social skills, manners, and empathy, a Social Skills self-evaluation quiz, 14 videos, 1 worksheet on empathy, and 3 games (Social Skills, Maintaining Conversations, and Manners).

All items should provide enough engaging content for 4 weeks, but can likely support up to 6-8 weeks of counseling students on a variety of important Social Skills. Print out the Manners board game and Laminate in color for lasting multiple usage.



For Upper-Elementary and Middle School Students. Work on building conflict resolution skills with your counseling students/patients through this fun role play activity. Cut out the various scenarios and put in a hat or small box.

You can either have students just answer what they would do…or have some fun and have 1-3 students act out the scenario and them answer or act out how they would resolve the conflict appropriately. Use costumes, such as silly hats, button shirts, or glasses to add to the fun and engagement of the role play activity.

Social Stories

Social Story Coloring Book SELF-CONTROL… for hitting, poor self-regulation K-5

Use this 10-page social story coloring book to help students with Poor Self-Regulation and/or Autism understand that they have control of their body, and take ownership of their behaviors at school. The focus of the story is self-control, particularly with aggressive behaviors. It’s focus is on helping build empathy, understanding that there are social consequences for aggression, and strategies for calming down.

It is a Power Point, not PDF, so it can be edited if you need to add in a specific aggressive behavior or change the gender. When I make the book, I will either print whole-page for larger pictures to color, or I make it 2 slides per page to print/staple, and it makes a little booklet. For grades TK-5.

Social Story Coloring Book “Going to School” (Parent Separation & Aggression)

Social Story Coloring Book “Going to School” (Parent Separation & Aggression)

Do you have a Pre-K, Tk, K-2 that comes to school screaming, crying, and aggressive/destructive until he or she calms down (sometimes several hours later)? Then this social story tool can hopefully help you (and your student) because that’s who I made it for!

I have been using it and it can help young students to learn about school, transition in the mornings, and brings parent in on the game plan for having a calm day. Have the teacher or parent read it daily to the student to support learning that school is a positive place to be and learn a few strategies for coming to school calmly in the morning. Plus he or she can color it.

Social Story for Improving Work Habits for Elementary Students, Coloring Book

Use this coloring book SOCIAL STORY for students TK through 5th grade learn reasons why they should try their best and do their schoolwork. Use with students with Autism, Emotional Disturbance, ADHD, or with non-compliance behavioral issues. Just print out with 1 or two slides per page. Slides can be rearranged to make a small stapled book also. The focus of the story is on why school is important and the consequences that the student’s “grown-up me” may have if he does not do his work as a kid.

Social Story for Personal Space; Coloring book, For Pre-K or Elementary Students

This coloring book social story can help students with difficulties with personal space. The book is a PDF and can be printed in whole paper form (13 pages total). It can also be rearranged to print as a booklet, but is in sequential order for printing as whole page booklet social story. Use this social story tool in counseling or as a teacher for individual or whole class instruction on teaching personal space. For younger children (Pre-k – 5) or older students with a developmental disability who is working on social skills.

SEL Videos-All Topics

180+ Counseling & Social-Emotional Learning Videos

Organized by topic!

I’ve created a word doc that has over 180 Videos that are organized by topic (Anger Management, Mindfulness, Emotions, Positive Thinking, Zones of Regulation, Social Media, Coping Skills, Growth Mindset, Improving Attention, Social Skills, Transitioning to Middle School etc.). This list will hopefully save you hours and hours of research and screening time because I’ve already done it for you!

I have used all of these videos either with counseling students, classroom SEL, and/or through my sharing of “Social-Emotional Videos of the week” at my schools.

Most are less than 5 minutes and most are for grades K-8 students. These videos have been particularly helpful during my COVID 19 teletherapy, as I am able to send them to students to watch prior to our sessions to help facilitate discussion.

Teletherapy Games and Activities

This bundle is for Elementary through Middle School age students.

The activities are designed to be used with your Share screen during teletherapy, but can be used in-office as well by just using your own computer for in-person counseling or printing out the pages of the games or worksheet.

Activities include 4 games that can be used over Teletherapy (Rapport Building, Self-Esteem, Positive Thinking, and Emoji BINGO). Bundle also includes the BINGO game cards .

Please look up individual items in my store for more details of each one

Self-Esteem Card Game, Emoji BINGO, Rapport Building Game, and Positive Thinking Game

4 TELETHERAPY Games: Rapport Building, Positive Thinking, Social Skills, & Anger Management

Work with your clients on a variety of topics over Zoom. Adds some variety to your weekly sessions or use for different clients who are working on building skills in the areas of Anger Management, Positive Thinking, and Social Skills, plus a Rapport Building game activity. Games are bundled together for a group discount.