
How the Counseling Fanny Pack of Fun Began…

This beach ball is where it all began. Many years ago, I began counseling Middle School students who were in a program for students with Emotional Disturbance (now called Emotional Disability). I quickly realized that I did not have enough counseling materials, activities, worksheets, or games in my “tool box”. I had a few counseling games in my office, but they quickly got old.

So, I started doing research on activities, videos, and games that I could print or use for free mostly. One day, I found a website that talked about using a beach ball for a questions game. It was more of a rapport building type game, with questions like “What is your favorite movie?” I decided to use that idea, but make my questions about “Anger”, which was an area of need for my students.

Taking counseling into my own hands

So, I bought a beach ball (still inflated 7 years later!). And, I made my questions. And then played the game for my group therapy session. It was a hit! The kids got a little wild at times with the ball, but they enjoyed the activity and participated well.

The rest, as they say, is history. I found joy in creating my own games, worksheets, and with finding the “perfect” counseling videos for my students. It was a renewed joy in being a School Psychologist that can get lost over the many years of report writing and deadlines.

This blog also brings me joy in my profession, as I enjoy mentoring new school psychologists and sharing my ideas, tips, and self-made products with others. I hope you, my readers find my blogs helpful in guiding you in your profession as school psychologists or counselors as well.

Want to try my first Counseling Fanny Pack of Fun game?

Click HERE!