Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum for Grade 4; Summit SEL Program



In this 4th Grade program your students will learn important skills that can help them to build and maintain friendships, improve their behaviors at school, and manage their emotions. Created by a 16-year (well seasoned) school psychologist, this program is made to be developmentally appropriate and full of engaging activities that are easy for teachers to do…No script memorization, many no-prep activities and additional minimal prep (optional activities).

As the teacher or counselor leading the curriculum, you will be the “leader of the hike.” This means that you have control of the pace as well as the activities that you want to do in order to help your students reach their goals, improve behaviors, and earn their pathway points to get them to the top! If you just want to do the circles, behavior system, and videos…that’s fine! You chose what is easiest for you!

This curriculum includes games, worksheet activities, tons of videos. As the leader, you can spread out the curriculum over the entire school-year, or you can compress the 5 themes into a few months. Your classroom, your pace.

Click “GRADE 4” to see a video on the entire curriculum’s included activities!

The program includes

  • A fun classroom positive behavior rewards system called “D.A.B. Dollars”
  • A program progress monitoring system
  • SEL Folder decorations and progress chart for the Mountain/Hiking theme
  • Restorative Circles Prompts cards for each of the 5 Levels

The curriculum is broken into 5 Levels or Skill areas. They include:

  • Level 1: Making Goals & Improving Executive Functioning
  • Level 2: Social Skills, Cooperation, Working in Groups
  • Level 3: Managing Technology & Social Media
  • Level 4: Growth Mindset and Positive Thinking
  • Level 5: Managing Emotions & Stress, Coping Skills

Each Level Contains:

  • 7 to 10 video links to age-appropriate instructional videos that are fun and engaging and can help your students learn about that level ‘s topic.
  • Centers and/or Small-Group game/activity

This Curriculum is part of the Summit SEL WHOLE-SCHOOL Elementary School Program. If you think that your school would benefit from having EVERY GRADE level of this Program, including 30+ additional Tier 2&3 Activities for your School Counselorclick HERE to learn about the program.



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