13 Editable Behavior Rewards Systems and 2 Data collection Sheets + Break Cards



Help support your students with a variety of behavioral issues. These 13 different behavioral systems are editable (on Power Point) and can be modified for students struggling with the following behaviors: Work completion, Aggression, Class Disruptions, Attention problems, Low effort, Difficulty with home morning routine, poor personal space, task avoidance, elopement, making “bad choices”, and more!

The charts range from happy face chart style systems for younger students to “Expected vs Unexpected” Behavior systems.

Some systems include a visual aide for emotional regulation and a calming strategies pictures, break cards and bathroom pass cards, and coloring rewards.

2 Data collection charts are also included for taking data that can help in determining the frequency of behaviors throughout the day and/or week. This can help in determining the need for additional adult support or with designing the behavior plan or system that the student needs.